New Teaching/Learning Project!

Next Oct 2022 I’ll be starting a new adventure! Giving workshops for Advanced in Fuengirola/Las Lagunas, once a week, a two-hour session, and then guidelines for some audio and language work with original materials, so you can come to the workshop to share the fruits of your joyful labor!

On this website you’ll find all the information, in downloadable docs and video format too.

Old students can form a special group with 12 members and get a the special price of 53 euros a month (four workshops). Regular workshops will be with up to 8 students for 80 euros a month.

Join us, and have fun while learning, using your English and developing your amazing human intelligence! Pre-registration from April to June (send an email on Sign up) Go to

Audioweb A2 / Básico EOI

Aunque el nuevo link a la antigua Audioweb multilingüe de la EOI Fuegirola está en la barra de navegación, en Audios (Google nos quitó el sitio antiguo y lo pasó a los Drive, y como yo lo había creado lo pasó a mi Drive, así que por eso está ahí), os copio aquí el LINK DIRECTO, porque al parecer hay gente que al ir al link se cree que sólo tiene la Homepage y no mira las tres rayitas donde hay un menú con más páginas. Ay esas navigation skills!


Noticias 1 Octubre 2021

Este blog con los recursos creados por mí, Michelle Ford, queda cerrada porque ya no estoy en la pública, pero como veis, sí que podéis seguir usando lo que compartimos en ella (ver post siguiente en inglés), incluida la Audioweb y el canal youtube de nuestros vídeos mostrando que en la pública claro que se aprenden idiomas!

News for course 2021-22

Dear all,

I was on a sick leave, and finally, after two years fighting for teacher’s health rights in the workplace (respect for not forcing us to change the shift weekly), at the beginning of September this year my partner suggested I take a leave of absence (excedencia) till I am well again. So, in my September sick leave I have been going to doctors, taking care of myself, and finding out information about how to do the paperwork to become a self-employed teacher when I recover.* So that’s the news!

I know you’ll have questions about the resources I created for our Community at EOI Fuengirola, and I am recording some videos to inform everybody which I will post here too.

Now I just want to inform you the AUDIOWEB has suffered a migration BECAUSE OF Google. Google has sent the old Google Sites to the owner’s Drives. As I was the owner, because I created the project, I had the site in my teacher’s drive!

A student wrote (to) me to say she couldn’t see the AUDIOWEB anymore! So this morning I have been fixing the situation.

If you go to AUDIOS on the navigation bar here, you will find the NEW LINK TO THE AUDIOWEB. I also updated the Audioweb to reflect it is just a project of mine and my students. (It was never included in the Proyecto del Centro as a community innovation project in spite of the fact a lot of people were using it.)

On the New(-old) AUDIOWEB you will find two contact email addresses in case you need anything or you wish to tell us there are broken links we can fix!

I hope you can continue with your listening and speaking as always!

Lots of love to you all


November 25

November 25, International Day against Violence against Women

Also: gender-based violence, sexist violence, patriarchal violence against women

Topics: violence in human beings, violence in patriarchal societies/cultures, types of violence we know, our changing perception of violence, Law/Crime and violence: vulnerable groups in society, hideous crimes, torture & rape, the case of other animals + our perception, socially speaking

Clarifying commonly misunderstood concepts: domestic violence vs gender-based violence, human violence vs gender-based violence

Today we conmemorate this date because societies in the world have acknowledged we have a gender-based problem in our cultural and prevailing sex-gender system, whereby women have been considered inferior to Man and therefore subject to Man’s decisions. Women as objects, as possessions, as assistants or maids or slaves, particularly sexual slaves and workers, have thwarted their lives in particularly harsh ways, and although this has recently begun to change, our ways of understanding identity and relationships are still deeply marked by this century-justified set of beliefs. We need to question our inner thoughts and develop a feminist intelligence to do so, if we wish to understand there is no fixed gender human identity established by our genitals. Human minds are capable of all kinds of things, regardless our genitals. We can learn, and imagine, and therefore BECOME. So let’s hope we can overcome our sinister tendency to justifying violence, and understand we can be much better as human beings.

Today, the 41 women murdered in Spain by their meant-to-be male husbands or partners are on our minds, but not only them. The Law does not acknowledge all the cases. A terrifying amount of women suffer violence at the hands of men on this planet, including rape and rape by men who are meant to love and respect them, this is, in “safe” places. This violence is hideous and destructive for them, and its effects are long-lasting, but it is also degrading for men, because violence degrades the one who uses it. We can do much better. We can think, and love, and communicate in nonviolent intelligent creative ways!

Let’s keep safe and be kind! We’ll be happier!

Curso 2020-21!

Hola a mis grupos de este año!

Taller Semana Cultural Feminista

Please, spread the word!

Se agradece difusión

Talleres Semana Cultural Feminista

Please, spread the word!

Se agradece difusión

Fouad’s Celebration of Learning Oral!!

Sorry about the delay! ❤


Viernes 20 sept! Puertas Abiertas

Meet all the teachers, of any language! Bring your friends and family! ❤

Michelle Ford's 2018-19 C1.1 Course Blog EOI Fuengirola (state-run language education)

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